Brian Von Herzen – The pandemic: a gateway to transforming our civilisation

Brian Von Herzen – The pandemic: a gateway to transforming our civilisation


Today we’re joined by the incredible Brian Von Herzen, one of the loveliest guys in EnviroTech. Brian is the Founder and Executive Director of the Climate Foundation, he is the prestigious Hertz fellowship recipient and he’s the founder of Cair Planes. Brian is Silicon Valley alum, an ocean scientist, an engineer and a serial entrepreneur.

  • Cair Planes; hyperbaric therapy for Covid-19 patients
  • Brain’s journey into climate science and marine permaculture
  • Ocean kelp forests and seaweed farming; regenerating life in the ocean
  • Thinking big to create climate solutions; Solving intractable problems by making them bigger
  • Integrative thinking; finding opportunities that lie in between disciplines
  • Kelp Coin;  innovating to create longer, healthier and happier lives for all

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